So, I was reading in 1 Chronicles which, up to this point had been really difficult to get through because. Honestly, it gets dry. But today the book stole a little bit of my heart and just won't give it back. So, I really enjoy reading about David. At the end of chapter 14, David askes God where, who, and how to attack before each battle and God responds to his exact need. God does that for all of His children, and that's amazing.
Later in 16, David praises God for a good page or so. David remembers God's covenant: the covenant He made with Abraham, swore to Isaac, and confirmed with Jacob. God is one of purposeful movement.
Looking for Abba in His creation will cause us to react in each situation differently. The past few months, I've been challenged to search for the heart of God in new ways - mainly in the people, nature, and situations He created. This is sometimes challening but very worthwhile nonetheless.
I have very, very little figured out about myself, but I've learned more about people and how they reflect their Creator in the last months than ever before.
...and this is just cute.
I love this about you, the desire to see people as Jesus does and to love them that way is such a powerful thing.
I have a challenge for you. It's something I've been doing too. Every night reflect back on the day and think of one way that Jesus has loved you creatively and think of one way you have loved someone else creatively and write it down. You'll start looking for stuff :-) It's fun.
Example: yesterday was
Jesus loved me by having Lee Ellen play at Heros and providing with writing inspiration.
I loved Patrick and Danielle by staying up till 3:30 talking to them about life.
How do you get music on your page?
p.s. I love this song! It reminds me of Mexico because when I went there with my old youth group we made a slide show of it and used this song. ha
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